All rowers and coaches are required to undertake their own Risk assessment prior to every outing.
A risk assessment is done based on experience, type of boat being used, presence of a safety launch and or coach as well as river and surrounding weather conditions.
The following information on weather conditions, river flow, River Thames Warnings and river temperatures are provided to aid rowers in their assessments.
All Walbrook members as well as visiting rowers should familiarise themselves with the River Navigation which can be found here.
We remind all rowers that risk assessments must not be influenced by other clubs and rowers which may be out on the river.
Of course conditions can very rapidly change during an outing, and we request that all rowers remain aware of changing conditions and their distance from the clubhouse.
Any BLACK = no rowing
3 REDS = no rowing
Risks such as river debris, ice/snow when launching boats, changes in conditions during outings and any medical conditions should be taken into consideration.
A documented risk assessment should be performed here for all junior sessions, adult learn to row courses or improvers as well as where any of the risk assessment items in Matrix above are RED.
Risks such as river debris, ice/snow when launching boats, changes in conditions during outings and any medical conditions should be taken into consideration.
When reviewing visibility, as a guide, you need to be able to see the other side of the bank from the clubhouse as well as being able to see the end of Steven’s Ait when looking upstream.
A documented risk assessment should be performed here for all junior sessions, adult learn to row courses or improvers as well as where any of the risk assessment items in Matrix adjacent are RED.